
How Miracles Did Not Build Faith

How can such lack of faith exist in the face of miracles? Rejection of Jesus by Jewish religious leader seems especially puzzling when you consider that at the very time that he began his ministry, the Jews as a whole were "in expectation" of "the Christ," or the Messiah. (Luke 3:15) However, the problem lay in what those expectations  were.  Lexicographer W.E.Vine quotes a well-known Bible scholar as saying that the Jews were obsessed with the idea of a Messiah who would give them "temporal triumph" and "material greatness."  Hence, they were not prepared for the humble, non political Jesus of Nazareth, who appeared in their midst  as the true Messiah in 29 C.E. The religious leaders also feared that Jesus' teachings would upset the existing state of affairs and jeopardize their prominent positions. (John 11:48)  (Oh Boo-hoo!) Their preconceived ideas  and selfishness blinded them to the meaning of  Jesus' miracles.

Jewish religious leaders and others later rejected the miraculous proof that Jesus' followers enjoyed divine favor.  For example, when his apostles healed a man lame from birth, irate members of the Jewish high court asked:  "What shall we do with these men? Because, for a fact, a noteworthy sign has occurred through them, one manifest to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and we cannot deny it. Nevertheless, in order that it may be spread abroad further among the people, let us tell them with threats not to speak anymore upon the basis of this name to any man at all." (Acts 3:1-8; 4:13-17) Clearly, this wonderful miracles had not built or produced faith in the hearts of those men. 

Ambition, pride, and greed are factors that have moved many to shut the doors of their hearts. This appears to have been the case with Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, mentioned at the outset. Jealousy, fear, and a host of other hurtful attitudes have hindered others. We are reminded, too, of the disobedient angels, the demons, who once had the privilege of looking upon the very face of God.  (Matthew 18:10) They do not doubt the existence of God. Indeed, "the demons believe and shudder." (James 2:19) Yet, they have no faith in God. 

Next time: The Meaning of True Faith

From the Watchtower magazine, 1996

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