
Conclusion of Hurt Feelings-When We Have "Cause for Complaint"

To forgive is not to condone.  When we forgive those who have wronged us, we are not  minimizing, justifying, excusing, or condoning their actions.  Remember, Jehovah never approves of sin, but does forgive it if there is a basis for doing so.  (Psalm 103:12, 13; Habakkuk 1:13) When he encourages us to forgive others, Jehovah is asking us to imitate him.  He does not "stay resentful forever." -Psalm 103:9; Matthew 6:14. 

When we let go of resentment, we benefit ourselves.   In what way? Imagine the following scenario.  You pick up a rock, perhaps one that weighs just a few pounds and hold it at arm's length. You would probably have little trouble holding the rock for a short time. But what if you tried to do so for an extended period of time?  How long would you be able to hold it-some minutes, an hour? or longer? No doubt, your arm would become very tired!  Of course, the actual weight of the rock would not change. But the longer you held it, the heavier it would feel. The same is true of resentment. The longer we hold a grudge-even a rather small one-the more we hurt ourselves. Little wonder, then, that Jehovah encourages us to let go of resentment. Really, letting go is for our own good. -Proverbs 11:17. 

"I Felt as if Jehovah Himself Was Talking to Me"

What helped Linda not to harbor resentment over the way she had been treated by a fellow believer?  Among other things, she meditated on Scriptural reasons to extend forgiveness.  (Psalm 130:3, 4) Linda  was especially moved by  knowing that when we extend forgiveness, Jehovah will, in turn, be forgiving towards us.   (Ephesians 4:32-5:2)  Regarding how those sentiments affected her, she says:  "I felt as if Jehovah himself was talking to me."

In time, Linda was able to let go of her resentment. She freely forgave the sister, and now that sister is her dear friend. Linda has moved forward in her service to Jehovah. Be assure that Jehovah wants to help you do the same. 

Next time:  Return to Jehovah -PART FOUR;Guilt-"Cleanse Me From My Sin"

From the jw.org publications

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