
YOUNG PEOPLE ASK/Why Reject Pornography?

Do you have what it takes?

Myths and facts

How to reject pornography

Do you have what it takes?

If you use the Internet, expect that sooner or later you will encounter some type of pornography.  "You don't even have to look for it anymore," says 17-year-old Hayley.  "It looks for you. 

Pornography can tempt those are determine to avoid it.  "I told myself that i wouldn't let my guard down, but I did," says Grey, 18.  "You can never say it won't happen to you." 

Today, pornography is easier to access than ever before. And with the advent of sexting, many teens manufacture and distribute their own pornography. 

The bottom line: You face a greater challenge than your parents or grandparents did when they were your age. The question is, Do you have what it takes to reject pornography? -Psalm 97:10.

The answer is yes-if you choose to. But first you need to be convinced that pornography is bad. Let's consider a few myths and facts about the topic. 

Next time: YOUNG PEOPLE ASK/Why Reject Pornography? -Myths and facts

From the jw.org publications 

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