
3 Questions People Would Ask God


Why ask that question? 

Some may wonder:  'Why do humans live for only 80 or 90 years and then die?  What is the purpose of such a brief existence?'

TO THINK ABOUT:  Many who do not believer in God still recognize the need to account for the complexity, intricacy, and order of the natural world.  They perceive that our planet and other planets, and the moon are configured in just the right way to sustain life on earth.  They describe the natural laws that govern the universe as being fine-tuned, perfectly set so that even the slightest alteration would make life on earth impossible. 

WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS:  While many people view our relatively brief life span as proof that there is no God, the natural world gives ample evidence that there is a Creator.  (Romans 1:20) He had a purpose in making these things, and the reason  for our existence is closely linked to his purpose. God created humans to live forever on the earth, and he has not abandoned his purpose. -Psalm 37:11, 29; Isaiah 55:11. 

While we can discern God's existence and even some of his qualities through the natural world, God did not intend for us to perceive  his purpose that way.  for us to know God's purpose, and hence the meaning of our existence, we need communication from God. In the Bible he communicates with us, using simple direct terms.  Jehovah's Witnesses invite you to take a fresh look at the answers found there. 

Next time: EVOLUTION 

From the Awake! magazine 

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