
COVER SUBJECT: Why Do People Pray?

Conclusion of:  PRAYER What It Can Do for You

Wisdom from God.

Some decisions we make can permanently affect us and our loved ones. How can we make wise choices?  The Bible says:  "If any one of you is lacking in wisdom [especially in dealing with trials], let him keep asking God, for he gives generously to all and without reproaching, and it will be given him." (James 1:5)  If we pray for wisdom, God can use his holy spirit because Jesus assures us that "the Father in heaven [will] give holy spirit to those asking him!" - Luke 11:13. 

Even Jesus felt the need to ask his Father for help when making important decisions.  The Bible tells us when he wanted to select the 12 men who would serve as his apostles, "he spent the whole night in prayer to God." -Luke 6:12. 

Like Jesus, many today have been reassured when they see how God has responded to their requests for help in making wise decisions. Regina, in the Philippines, tells of the various problems she has faced, such as supporting herself and her family  after the death of her husband, losing a job, and experiencing difficulty in raising children. What has helped her to make wise decisions?  She says, "I depend on Jehovah's help through prayer."  Kwabena,, in Ghana, tells why he asked for God's help,  "I lost my well-paying job in construction." About considering his options, he says,   "I consistently prayed to  Jehovah for guidance in making the right decision."  He adds,  "I feel strongly that Jehovah helped me to choose a career that enables me to care for my spiritual and physical needs."  You too can experience God's guidance by praying about matters that could affect your relationship with him.

We have mentioned just a few things that prayer can do for you.  But for you to get these benefits, you need first to get to know God and his will. If that is what you want, we encourage you to ask Jehovah's Witnesses to help you study the Bible.   This can be your first step in drawing closer to the "Hearer of prayer." -Psalm 65:2.

Next time: Can We Really Find God? 

From the Watchtower magazine 

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