
Can We Really Find God?

God is incomprehensible."-Philo of Alexandria, first-century philosopher.

"[God} is not far off from each of us." -Saul of Tarsus, addressing first-century philosophers in Athens. 

AS YOU  read those two statements which one describes your view?  Many find the words of Saul of Tarsus, also called the apostle Paul, comforting and appealing.  (Acts 17:26, 27) And the Bible contains other assurances like that one.   For example, Jesus offered a prayer that contains a warm assurance that his followers can come to know God and receive his blessing. -John 17:3. 

However, philosophers such as Philo took a different view.  They implied that we could never know God at all because he is completely incomprehensible. Where does the truth lie? 

The Bible frankly acknowledges that there are some things about God that are difficult for humans to understand.  For example, the length of the Creator's existence, the brilliance of his mind, and the depth of his wisdom cannot be measured, quantified,  fathomed.  The simply exceed human comprehension. However, those aspects of God present no obstacle to our getting to know him. In fact, meditating on those very things can help us to "draw close to God." (James 4:8)  Let us consider  a few examples of such incomprehensible things. Then we will look at aspects of God we really can grasp.  

Next time: Can We Really Find God? -What Aspects Are Incomprehensible?

From the Watchtower magazine 

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