
Live in Harmony With the Model Prayer Part II


Why did Jesus use the word "debts," whereas on a later occasion, he spoke of "sins"?  (Matthew 6:12; Luke 11:4) Over 60 years ago, this journal nicely explained:  "a sin of transgression against God's law puts us in debt to him. . . .For our sin God could demand and exact our lives. . . .He could withdraw his peace from us, breaking off all  peaceful relations with us. . . .We owe him love, expressed in obedience; and when we sin we fail in repaying our debt of love to him, for sin is unloving toward God." -1 John 5:3. 

Our daily need for forgiveness highlights the only legal basis on which God can cancel our sins-Jesus' ransom sacrifice. Though this ransom was paid nearly 2,000 years ago, we should cherish it as if it were a gift given today.  "The ransom price "for our lives "is so precious, that nothing imperfect human  could do for us would come near to paying it. (Read Psalm 49:7-9; 1 Peter 1:18, 19) Indeed, we should never cease to thank Jehovah for this great gift. Also, the expression "our sins," not "my sins," should remind us that all in  our family of worshippers need this merciful provision. Clearly, Jehovah wants us to be concerned   not only about our own spiritual welfare but also about that of others, including those who might have sinned against us. Usually, such sins are minor and give us an opportunity to show that we truly  love our brothers and are willing to forgive, as God has mercifully forgiven us. -Colossians 3:13.

Sadly, as imperfect humans, we may sometimes harbor a grudge against another. (Leviticus 19:18)  If we talk about the matter, others  may side with us, causing a division in the congregation.  If we allow such a situation to continue, it would show a lack of appreciation for God's mercy and the ransom.   Our Father will cease to apply to us the value of his Son's sacrifice if we display an unforgiving spirit.  (Matthew 18:35) Jesus elaborated on this immediately after giving the model prayer.  (Read Matthew 6:14, 15) Finally, to benefit from God's forgiveness, we must strive to avoid making a practice of serious sin.  Our desire to avoid practicing sin leads to the next request. -1 John 3:4, 6.

Next time: Live in Harmony With the Model Prayer Part II - "DO NOT BRING US INTO TEMPTATION"

From the Watchtower magazine 

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