
Can We Really Find God?

What You Can Know

Just Because we cannot fully comprehend certain aspects of God does not mean that we cannot get to know him at all.  The Bible contains plenty of information that helps us to get to know God better.  Consider some examples:

GOD'S NAME: The Bible teaches us that God has given himself a name. He says:  "I am Jehovah.  That is my name."  God's name appears some 7,000 times in the Bible, more than any other name. -Isaiah 42:8.

How you benefit:   Jesus said in his model prayer:  "Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified." (Matthew 6:9)  Could you also use God's name in your prayers? Jehovah is willing to save everyone who shows proper respect for his name. -Romans 10:13. 

GOD'S DWELLING: The Bible teaches  that there are two "realms"-a spirit realm where spirit creatures with spirit bodies exist and a physical realm consisting of our earth and the universe.  (John 8:23; 1 Corinthians 15:44) In the Bible, the word "heaven's" often refers  tot he spirit realm.  The Creator's "dwelling place" is in those "heavens." -1 Kings 8:43/. 

How you benefit:  You get a clearer picture of God.  The Creator is not an obscure force that  is everywhere and in everything. Jehovah is a real person who lives in a real place. Still, "there is not a creation that is hidden from his sight." -Hebrews 4:13. 

GOD'S PERSONALITY:  The Bible teaches that  Jehovah has endearing qualities.  "God is love." (1 John 4:8) He never lies. (Titus 1:2)   He is impartial, merciful, compassionate, and slow to anger.  (Exodus 34:6; Acts 10:34)  It may come as a surprise to many that the Creator desires to have a "close friendship"  with those  who respect him. -Psalm 25:14. 

How you benefit:  You can become Jehovah's friend. (James 2:23) Then, as you come to know Jehovah's personality, you can better understand Bible accounts.  

Next time: "SEARCH FOR HIM"

From the Watchtower magazine 

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