
Can We Really Find God?


The Bible portrays a clear picture of Jehovah God. He is far from being incomprehensible.  In fact, the Creator wants you to get to know him. His Word, the Bible promises:  "If you search for him, he will let himself be found by you." (1 Chronicles 28:9)  Why not get to know  God by reading and meditating on Bible accounts?  If you do so, the Bible promises that God "will draw close to you." -James 4:8.

You might wonder, 'Since I cannot comprehend everything about the Creator, how can I ever be  his friend?  Consider this:  Does this best friend of a surgeon need to have a degree in medicine?  Not at all! The surgeon's friend might have a completely different profession.  Still, a close friendship is possible.  What really counts is that the surgeon's friend knows the surgeon's personality as well as what he likes and dislikes. Similarly, you can learn from the Bible what kind of person Jehovah is-exactly what you need to know in order to forge a friendship with him. 

Far from providing a faint outline of the Creator, the Bible contains the kind  of information that we need in order to get to know God.  Would you like to learn more about Jehovah God?  Jehovah's Witnesses offer a free home Bible study program.  We invite you to contact the Witnesses in your area or to visit our website. www.jw.org. 


From the Watchtower magazine 

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