

More important than what you do is becoming proficient at what you do

Get sound advice

Parents or other adults can help you acquire practical skills with banking, budgeting, and bill paying.  "I had to go back to basics," says a young woman named Marie.  "A friend helped me to list necessary and unnecessary expenses. I couldn't believe it-most of my expenses were completely unnecessary!  I also learned  how to cultivate  an essential quality for independent living-self-discipline." -Bible principle: Proverbs 13:10. 

Take steps to find employment

Use the time you would have been working to apply for jobs. A caution:  Some people would tel you to "follow your dreams" when it comes to a career. But looking for your 'dream career' likely will narrow your options for work and blind you to employment opportunities that are right in front of you!  Rather than waste time focusing on a particular type of work, keep your options open. Remember, more important than what you do is becoming proficient at what you do.  (Note: Plus, remember you are in your parent's house and they will not  deal with you waiting for your dream career to come along. You have to be practical and use common sense and logic.)   It has been observed that the more  experience  and skill workers  acquire, the more they enjoy their work.  You do have to do what you love in order to love what you do!


Take advantage of the time your children are at home to train them in the basic skills they will need for independent living.  These skills include money management (including judicious spending habits and responsible use of credit), doing domestic work (cooking, washing, and ironing clothes, and performing basic maintenance on a car), and social skills (the ability to get along well with others). 

Next time: When a Loved One Is Sick 

From the Awake! magazine 

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