
We Can Remain Chaste

"Cleanse your hands, . . . and purify your hearts." -JAMES 4:8. 

CHASTITY is not a popular virtue.  That is particularly true in our time. In many lands, homosexuality and sex outside of marriage are viewed as normal. These lifestyles are even promoted in advertising and entertainment. (Psalm 12:8) Immorality has become so pervasive that you may wonder,  'Is it really possible to have a chaste life?  Our confident reply is, Yes, with Jehovah's help, true Christians can remain chaste. -Read 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5. 

First, however, we must recognize that  in order to live a chaste life, we must reject immoral desires.  Just as a baited hook may attract a fish, so immoral thoughts and lewd desires-when not immediate dismissed-may begin to draw out and entice a Christian.  They can appeal to our fallen flesh and lead us toward immoral acts. In time, the allure of sin may become so great that the unclean desire becomes fertile. At that point, even a servant of Jehovah may be ready to act on his desire when an opportunity arises. Yes, "desire . . .gives birth to sin. -Read James 1:14, 15. 

It is sobering to reflect on how a momentary desire can develop into a serious sin.  But how encouraging it is to know that if we prevent unclean desires from taking root, we need not become involved in immoral conduct and suffer  its bitter consequences!  (Galatians 5:16)  Let us consider three aids that will help us  in the fight against unclean desires:   our relationship with Jehovah, the counsel of his Word, and the help of fellow Christians.  

Next time: We Can Remain Chaste - "DRAW CLOSE TO GOD"

From the Watchtower magazine 

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