
Always Trust in Jehovah!

Conclusion of "THE LION'S MOUTH"

Consider another situation.  Suppose a beloved relative is disfellowshipped.  From your study of the Bible, you know how disfellowshipped ones are to be treated.  (1 Corinthians 5:11; 2 John 10)  Yet, upholding the disfellowshipping decision may at times seem very difficult, even impossible.  Can you  trust that your heavenly Father will give you the fortitude you need to be resolute in abiding by the Bible's  direction about disfellowshipping?  Do you see here and opportunity for you to make your relationship with Jehovah stronger by forming a closer bond with him?

In this regard, think for a moment about the first man, Adam.  Did he really believe that he could disobey Jehovah and continue living?  No, for the Scriptures tell us that Adam "was not deceived." (1 Timothy 2:14) Why, then, did he disobey?  Adam's eating of the fruit that Eve offered him must have been because of his desire for his wife.  He listened to her voice rather than to that of his God, Jehovah.- Genesis 3:6, 17.  

Does this suggest that we should not have strong love for our relatives?  Of course not! But our strongest love should be for Jehovah.   (Read Matthew 2:37, 38) This is actually in the best interests  of our relatives, whether they are presently serving Jehovah or not.  so keep strengthening  your love for Jehovah and your trust in him.  And if you are particularly troubled over the course of a disfellowshipped relative, pour you heart out to Jehovah in prayer. (Romans 12:12; Philippians 4:6, 7) Use this heartbreaking situation to make your relationship with Jehovah more real. this, in turn, will help you to look to Jehovah  for the best possible outcome. 

Next time: Always Trust in Jehovah! -WHILE WE WAIT

From the Watchtower magazine 

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