
He Loved People


If we maintain our Christian integrity, we may well witness one of the greatest miracles of all time-the miracle of surviving the great tribulation.   Soon after the war of Armageddon, more miracles will occur, restoring humans to good health.  (Isaiah 33:24; 35:5, 6; Revelation 21:4) Imaging watching people discard eyeglasses, canes, crutches, wheelchairs, hearing aids, and the like.  For good reason, Jehovah will bring Armageddon survivors to a state of good health. Those survivors   will have work to do. They can move forward with zest to make our planet, a gift from God, into a global paradise -Psalm 115:16.

Jesus' healings in the past  encouraged the "great crowd" today, reinforcing their joyous prospect of being healed of all ills. (Revelation 7:9) Those healings reflected his deep feelings and showed just how much love God's firstborn Son has for mankind.  (John 10:11; 15:12, 13) Jesus' compassion paints a touching portrait of Jehovah's concern for each one of his servants. - John 5:19.

Mankind is groaning, full of pain, and dying.  (Romans 8:22) We need God's new world, where there will be the complete physical healing that he has promised. Malachi 4:2 gives us reason to trust that the healed ones  will "skip about like fattened calves," excited and delighted to be released from confinement to imperfection. May heartfelt gratitude to God coupled with deep faith in his promises move us to do now whatever is needed to qualify to be in that new world.  How heartening it is to know that the miracles  Jesus performed while on earth were foregleams of the lasting relief that mankind will soon enjoy under his Messianic rule! 

Next time:We  Can Remain Chaste

From Watchtower magazine 

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