
Always Trust in Jehovah!


When under severe hardship, you may feel as Paul did-that you are in or at least very near "the lion's mouth." These are times when trust in Jehovah is most challenging-and most essential.  For example, suppose you are nursing a dear family member through a chronic illness. Perhaps you have prayed for wisdom and strength.  Having done all you can in this regard, do you not find a measure of peace in knowing that Jehovah has his eye upon you and will provide what you need to endure faithfully? -Psalm 32:8. 

Circumstances might make it seem otherwise.  You might receive conflicting opinions from doctors. Or relatives who you had hoped  would provide comfort might instead seem to make the situation more difficult for you. Keep looking to Jehovah for strength. Keep drawing close to him. (Read 1 Samuel 30:3, 6) When relief comes, your relationship with him will be stronger. 

Linda came to know the truthfulness of this after some years of helping to care for her ailing parents during their final years.  "While in the situation, my husband, brother,and I often found it hard to know what to do. We felt helpless at times.  Looking back, however, we see more clearly how Jehovah proved to be with us. He strengthened us and provided just what we needed, even when it seemed that we had run out of options. 

Implicit trust in Jehovah can also help when we are faced with tragedy. At the time that Rhonda's non-Witness husband was filing for divorce, her brother was diagnosed with lupus, a potentially life-threatening illness.  A few months later, her brother's wife died.  When Rhonda felt that she had begun to recover from these traumatic experiences, she started regular pioneering.  Soon thereafter her mother died. What helped Rhonda to cope?  She explains:  "I communicated with Jehovah every day, even when with regard to small decisions. Doing so made Jehovah real to me. It taught me to rely on him rather than on myself or even on other people.  And the help he gave me was real-all my needs were cared for. As a result, I have experienced working hand in hand with Jehovah.  

Next time: Always Trust in Jehovah! -Conclusion of "THE LION'S MOUTH"

From the Watchtower magazine 

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