
Christ The Power of God


At a marriage feast in Cana of Galilee, Jesus performed his first miracle. The number of guests may have been greater than expected.  But whatever the case, the wind ran out. Among the guests was Mary, Jesus' mother.   For years, she had no doubt pondered all the prophetic promises associated with her son, who she knew would be called "Son of the Most High." (Luke 1:30-32; 2:52)  Did she believe that in him there were powers not yet revealed!  What is evident is that  at Cana, Mary and Jesus felt compassion for the newly married couple and wanted to save them embarrassment. Jesus knew that the hospitality was a duty. So he miraculously turned some 100 gallons  (380 L ) of water  into "fine wine." (Read John 2:3, 6-11.) Was Jesus obligated  to perform this miracle?  No.  He simply cared about people and was imitating his heavenly Father by being generous.

Jesus miraculously provided a large amount of fine wine, enough for a sizable  group. Do you see what this miracle teaches us?   That Jesus would willingly perform such a marvelous deed assures us that people's feelings are important to him and to his Father.  Neither Father or Son is stingy. Now imagine how Jehovah will use his power generously in the new world to provide a rich banquet  "for all the people" earth wide. -Read Isaiah 25:6. 

Think of it!  A time is coming when legitimate needs and desires-such as nutritious food and proper housing-for every person will be satisfied.  May our joy overflow in anticipation of the generous supply of good things that Jehovah will provide for us in the earthly Paradise.

It is of interest that when the Devil tempted Jesus to turn stones into loaves of bread, Christ refused to use his miraculous power to satisfy  his personal desires.  (Matthew 3:2-4) But he use his power to respond to and satisfy the needs of others. How can we imitate Jesus' unselfish concern for others?   He encouraged God's servants  to "practice giving." (Luke 6:38) Can we show the noble quality of generosity by inviting others to our home to share a meal and a spiritual feast?  Can we be generous with our time after a meeting, aiding someone in need, such as by listening to a brother practice his talk?  What help might we be able offer to those needing assistance in the ministry?  We show that we have learned from Jesus by generously providing material and spiritual things to others as we are able.

Next time: Christ The Power of God -"ALL ATE AND WERE SATISFIED"

From the Watchtower magazine 

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