
CHAPTER FIVE; Train Your Child From Infancy

"SONS are an inheritance from Jehovah," exclaimed an appreciative parent some 3,000 years ago.  (Psalm 127:3)  Indeed, the joy of parenthood is a precious reward from God, one that is available to most married people. However, those who have children soon realize that along with the joy, parenthood brings responsibilities.

Especially today, rearing children is a formidable task.  Nevertheless, may have done it with successes, and the inspired psalmist points the way, saying: "Unless Jehovah himself builds the house, it is to no avail that its builders have worked hard on it." (Psalm 127:1) The more closely you follow Jehovah's instructions, the better parent you will become.  The Bible says:  "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding."  (Proverbs 3:5)  Are you willing to listen to Jehovah's counsel as you embark on your 20-year child-raising project?  


In many homes around the world, men view child training as chiefly woman's work. True, the Word of God points to the father's role as principal breadwinner. However, it also says that he has responsibilities in the home. The Bible says: "Prepare your work out of doors, and make it ready for yourself in the field. Afterward, you must also build up  your household."  (Proverbs 24:27)  In God's view, fathers and mothers are partners in child training. -Proverbs 1:8, 9. 

How do you view your children?  Reports say that in Asia "baby girls often receive a poor welcome."  Bias against girls reportedly still exists in Latin America, even among "more enlightened families."  The truth is, though, girls are not second-class children. Jacob, a noted father of ancient times, described all his offspring, including any daughters born up to that time, as "the children with whom God has  favored [me]."  (Genesis 33:1-5; 37:35) Likewise, Jesus blessed all "the young children" (boys and girls) that were brought to him.  (Matthew 19:13-15) We can be sure that he reflected Jehovah's view. -Deuteronomy 16:14. 

Note: What a lot of men, if any do not realize is that the determination of the baby's sex before being born is the man's genes.  Same went back in ancient times and up to now, men did not know and would blame the woman for not producing a son. King Henry VIII,  would not accept a female child and most likely would have his wife's head beheaded.  Sad, isn't, how ignorant men were back then in this respect.  Imagine how if they knew, how much their ego would shrink knowing this bit of  information. 

Does your community expect a woman to give  birth to as many children as possible? Rightfully, how many children a married couple have is their personal decision.  ( Note: not if they have so many children that they can't afford to take care of them, to where they end up in foster homes or with welfare. It is up to the parents to financially and emotionally support their children.  They need to think about birth control because God did not intend for the world to be so overpopulated that parents  can't  feed their children. ) What if the parents lack the means to feed, clothe, and educate numerous children?  Surely, the couple should consider this when deciding on the size of their family.  Some couples who cannot support their children entrust relatives with the responsibility to raise some of them.  ( which is wrong, they may already be overburdened, and if it is some elderly grandparents, how are they suppose to take care of them. Their child-rearing days are over  when their children got older, got married and had their own children.   These couples need birth control or to learn restraint.)  Is this practice desirable?  Not really. And it does not relieve the parents of their obligation toward their children.  The Bible says:  "If anyone does not provide for those who are his own,and especially for those who are members of his household, he has disowned the faith." (1 Timothy 5:8)  Responsible couples try to plan the size of their "household" so that they can 'provide for those who are their own.'  Can they practice birth control in order to do this?  That too is a personal decision, and if married couples  do decide on this course, the choice of contraceptive  is also a personal matter.  "Each one will carry his own  load."  (Galatians 6:5)  However birth control that involves any form of abortion goes contrary to the Bible principles.  Jehovah God is "the source of life."  (Psalm 36:9) Therefore, to snuff our a life after it has been conceived would gross disrespect for Jehovah and it tantamount to murder. -Exodus 21:22,23; Psalm 139:16; Jeremiah 1:5. 

Next time:  Train Your Child From Infancy/FILLING YOUR CHILD'S NEEDS

From the book: The Secret of FAMILY HAPPINESS 

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