
CHAPTER FOUR: How Can You Manage a Household?


Another helpful principle is found in one of Jesus' illustrations. He said: "Who of you that wants to build a tower does not first sit down and calculate the expense, to see if he has enough to complete it?" (Luke 14:28)  Jesus is here speaking  of forethought, planning ahead.  We saw in a previous chapter how this helps when a young couple are thinking of getting married. And after the marriage, It is also helpful in managing a household.  Forethought in this area involves having a budget, planning in advance to make the wisest use of available resources.  In this way a family can control expenses, setting money aside for spending on essentials each day or each week, and not live beyond its means. 

In some countries, such budgeting might mean having to resist the urge to borrow at high interest for unnecessary purchases.  In others, it might mean keeping a tight rein on the use of credit cars. (Proverbs 22:7) It might also mean resisting impulse buying-purchasing something on the spur of the moment without weighing needs and consequences.  Further, a budget will make it apparent that selfishly wasting money on gambling, smoking tobacco, and excessive drinking harms the family's economic situation, as well as goes contrary to Bible principles. -Proverbs 23:20, 21, 29-35; Romans 6:19; Ephesians 5:3-5. 

What, though, of those who are forced to live in poverty?  For one thing, they can be comforted to know that this worldwide problem is only temporary. In the rapidly approaching new world, Jehovah will eliminate poverty among all other evils that cause misery to  mankind.  (Psalm  72:1, 12-16) In the meantime, true Christians, even if they are very poor, do not feel total desperation, for they have faith in Jehovah's promise:  "I will by no means leave you nor by any means forsake you."  Hence, a believer can confidently say:  "Jehovah is  my helper; I will not be afraid."  (Hebrews 13: 5, 6)   In these difficult days, Jehovah has supported his worshipers in many ways when they live by his principles and put his Kingdom first in their lives.   (Matthew 6:33) Great numbers of them can testify, saying, in the words of the apostle Paul:  "In everything and in all circumstances I have learned the secret of both how to be full and how to hunger, both how to have an abundance an dhow to suffer want.  For all things I have the strength by virtue of him who imparts power to me." -Philippians 4:12, 13. 

Next time: How Can You Manage a Household?/SHARING THE LOAD

From the book: The Secret of FAMILY HAPPINESS 

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