
Two Keys to a Lasting Marriage


Marriage partners manifesting love and respect will not see every disagreement as a challenge.  They will work hard not to be "bitterly angry" with each other.  (Colossians 3:19) Both should remember that "an answer, when mild, turns away rage."  (Proverbs 15:1)  Be careful not to belittle or condemn a mate who pours out heartfelt feelings. Instead, view such expressions as an opportunity to gain insight into the other person's viewpoint. Together, try to work out differences and come to a harmonious conclusion. 

Recall the occasion when Sarah recommended to her husband, Abraham, a solution to a certain problem and it did not coincide with his feelings.  Yet, God told Abraham:  "Listen to her voice."  (Genesis21:9-12)  Abraham did, and he was blessed.  Similarly, if a wife suggests something different from what her husband has in mind, he should at least listen. At the same time, a wife should not dominate the conversation but should listen to what her husband has to say. (Proverbs 25:24)  For either the husband or the wife to insist on his or her way all the time is unloving disrespectful.  

Good communication is also important in a couple's sexual relationship. Selfishness and a lack of self-control damage this most intimate relationship in marriage. Open communication, along with patience, is essential.  When each unselfishly seeks the well-being of the other, sex is rarely a serious problem. In this as in other matters,  "let each one keep seeking, not his own advantage, but that of the other person." -1 Corinthians 7:3-5; 10:24. 

What fine counsel God's Word offers!  True, every marriage will have its ups and downs.  But when spouses submit to Jehovah's thinking, as revealed  in the Bible, and base their relationship on principled love and respect, they can be confident that their marriage will be lasting and happy.  They thus will honor not only each other but also the Originator of marriage, Jehovah God.

Next time: CHAPTER FOUR: How Can You Manage a Household? 

From the book: The Secret of FAMILY HAPPINESS

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