
How Can You Manage a Household?


When discussing the capable wife, the book of Proverbs says:  "Her sons have risen up and proceeded to pronounce her happy; her owner rises up, and he praises her."  (Proverbs 31:28)  When was the last time you commended a member of your family?  Really, we are like plants in springtime that are ready to blossom when they receive some warmth and moisture. In our case, we nee the warmth of commendation. It helps for a wife to know that her husband appreciates her hard work and loving care and that he does not take her for granted.  (Proverbs 15:23; 25:11) And it is pleasant when a wife commends her husband for his work outside and inside the home.  Children too blossom when their parents praise them for their efforts at home, at school, or in the Christian congregation. And how far a little gratitude goes!  What does it cost to say:  "Thank you"? Very little, yet, the return in family morale can be great.

For many reasons, managing a household is not easy. Still, it can be done with success. A Bible proverb says:  "By wisdom a household will be built up, and by discernment it will prove firmly established."  (Proverbs 24:3) Wisdom and discernment  can be gained if all in the family strive  to learn God's will and to apply it in their lives. A happy family is surely worth the effort!


From the book: The Secret of FAMILY HAPPINESS

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