

The incidence of diabetes mellitus is increasing so quickly that is has become a global epidemic.  There are two  major types of diabetes. Type 1 starts mainly in childhood, and presently doctors do not know how to prevent it.  This article is about type 2, which accounts for about 90 percent of all diabetes.

While in the past it was seen as exclusive to adults, more recently type 2 diabetes has been affecting children.  Experts claim, however, that the risk of type 2 diabetes can be reduced. A  little knowledge of this insidious disease may prove helpful to you.

What Is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a condition that causes a person to have an excessive level of blood sugar. The disease upsets the normal process of transferring sugar from the bloodstream into cells that need it for energy.  The result is damage  to vital organs  and impairment of blood circulation, sometimes leading to toe or foot amputation, blindness, and kidney disease.  A large portion of diabetes patients die of heart attacks or stroke.

Excess body fat can be a major factor in type 2 diabetes.  Experts believe that fat accumulated in the belly and waist may indicate a higher risk for diabetes. More specifically, fat in the pancreas and the liver appear to disrupt the body's regulation of blood sugar.  What can you do to reduce your risk?

Next time: Diabetes CAN YOU REDUCE YOUR RISK?/Three Steps That May Reduce the Risk of Diabetes

From the jw.org publications 

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