
HELP FOR THE FAMILY/PARENTING - How to Talk to Your Teen About Sexting

Think beyond the send button

Present hypothetical scenarios.   You could say to your daughter:  "Suppose a girl is being pressured by a boy to 'sext' him. What should she do?  God in so that she does not lose the friendship? Refuse the request but flirt with him anyway?  End the relationship?  Tell an adult?"  Help your daughter to reason on the matter. Of course you can use a similar approach with a son. -Bible principles: -Galatians 6:7.

Appeal to your teenager's sense of goodness. Ask questions such as these:  How important to you is a good reputation?  What traits do you want to be known for?  How would feel about yourself if you humiliates someone by forwarding an inappropriate picture?   How would you feel if you took a stand for what is right?  Help your teen to "hold a good conscience." -1 Peter 3:16.

Set the example yourself.  The Bible says that godly wisdom is chaste and free from hypocrisy.  (James 3:17) Do you values reflect those words?   "We need to set good examples ourselves and not view images and Web sites that could be viewed as unsavory or illegal," says the book CyberSafe.  

Key Scriptures

* "Children be obedient to your parents." -Ephesians 6:1.

* "Mature people . . . have their perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong." -Hebrews 5:14. 

* "Whatever a man is sowing, so shall he reap." -Galatians 6:7.


If talking about sexting will be awkward for you or your teen, you might try this approach:  

* First, have your teen talk about what others are doing.  Then say:  "I've heard a lot about sexting. Is this practice common?"

* Next, find out how he or she feels about what others are doing. You could ask: "Do you think people grasp the consequences of sexting? 

Then discuss what your teenager would do. Respond by saying:  "Let's talk about what you should do if you receive an explicit text.

Tip: You could use a news report to start a discussion.  For example:  "I read about a girl whose explicit photo was forwarded all over school.  Does this kind of thing really happen?" 

Note:  I hope that you-the public; if you have any teenagers, have taught them all to be honest, because I know that some teens will tell their parents one thing and do another, just because they feel they can get away with it.   It is sad but true.  Always be truthful, honest, do the right thing, and be true to who you are, not what someone else or your friends want or thinks you should be.  You were born with your own personality for a reason. If your friends jumped off a very high cliff or a 20 - story building, would you do the same?  Do what you know to be right. 

Next time: PORTRAITS FROM THE PAST/ Decrees That Divided Continents

From the jw.org publications  

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