
Teenagers/I Can't Keep My Mind Off Sex

How Can I Keep My Mind Off Sex

What you can do

Choose your associates carefully.   If your friends and classmates start to talk about immoral sex, joining in will only make it more difficult for you to control your thought. Often,  you can find a way to leave such conversations  without appearing self-righteous and inviting ridicule.

Shun immoral entertainment.  Much of today's entertainment is designed to arouse improper sexual feelings. The Bible's counsel?  "Let us cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in God's fear."  (2 Corinthians 7:1) Steer clear of entertainment that stimulates sexual desires.

Remember this:  Sexual feelings aren't evil in themselves. After all, God created man and woman to have a strong attraction for each other, and satisfying sexual desire is proper within marriage. So if you experience intense sexual urges, don't think that  you're inherently bad or that you're just not cut out for moral cleanness.

The bottom line. You can choose what you will let your mind dwell on.  Both in your thinking and in your conduct, you can be chaste if you choose to!

Next time:  Teenagers/ How to Avoid Pornography and Why You Should - What if I'm Addicted to Pornography?

From the jw.org  publications 

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