

How to Teach Teens Internet Safety


Teach your teen priorities and time-management skills. Part of becoming a responsible adult involves learning to put first things first. Family communication, homework, and chores are more important than casual Internet use. If the amount of  time your teen spends online is a concern, set limits-even using a timer if necessary.-Bible principle: Philippians 1:10.

Teach your teen to think before posting.  Help your teenager to ask such questions as:  Could the comment I am about to post hurt someone?  how will this photo affect my reputation?  Would I feel embarrassed if my parents or other adults saw this photo or comment? What would they conclude about me if they saw it? What would I think of someone who posted such a comment or photo? -Bible principle: Proverbs 10:23.

Teach your teen to live by values-not just rules. You cannot look over your teenager's shoulder every moment of the day. Besides your goal as a parent is  not to control your children but to help them "have their powers of discernment trained to distinguish right and wrong."  (Hebrews 5:14)  So, instead of emphasizing rules and punishment as the primary factor, appeal to your teenager's moral sense.  what type of reputation does he want to have?  For what type of character  traits does he want she want to be known?  Your goal is to help your teenager make wise decisions, whether you are there or not. - Bible principle: Proverbs 3:21. 

Navigating the Internet, like driving a car, requires good judgment-not just technological ability. Your guidance as a parent, therefore, is crucial. After all, it is as Internet-safety expert Patty Aftab observes:  "Kids know more about technology. Parents know more about life.


* "Make sure o the more important things." -Philippians 1:10.

* "Engaging in shameful conduct is like  a game to the stupid one, but wisdom is for the man of discernment." -Proverbs 10:23. 

* "Safeguard practical wisdom and thinking ability." -Proverbs 3:21.

Before your child enters the online world, he should be consistently demonstrating the admirable character traits you're striving to cultivate-such as kindness, restraint, tolerance, inclusiveness-because they will get tested." -Letting Go With Love and Confidence, by Kenneth Ginsburg and Susan Fitzgerald. 

Next time: YOUNG PEOPLE ASK/ What Should I know About Texting?

From the jw.org publications  

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