
A Wise and Kind Counselor - Conclusion

 "I am young," he said, "and you men are aged. So, I respectfully held back, and I dared not tell you what I know." But he could no longer keep silent. He went on: "Age alone does not make one wise or is it only old men who understand what is right." (Job 32:6, 9) Elihu then spoke at length, proving those words were true. He took a very different approach from that of Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar. Elihu reassured Job that he would not talk down to him or add to his pressures. He also dignified Job, addressing him only by name and acknowledging that he had been treated with derision.  Respectfully, he said: "Now, Job please hear my words." - JOB 33:1, 7; 34:7.

Elihu offered Job some frank counsel: "You said in my hearing, . . . 'I am pure, without transgression; I am clean, without error. But God finds reasons to oppose me."' Elihu went right to the heart of the problem, asking: "Are you so convinced that you are right that you would say, 'I am more righteous than God?" He could not allow such reasoning to pass. "You are not right in saying this," the young man said. (Job 33:8-12; 35:2) Elihu knew that Job was filled with anger over his terrible losses and his mistreatment at the hands of his false friends. But Elihu cautioned Job: "Take care that rage does lead you into spitefulness." - JOB 36:18.

Next time: Elihu Highlights Jehovah's Kindness

From the jw.org publications

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