
Jehovah Will Help You During Difficult Times

 "[Jehovah] is the stability of times." - ISAIAH 33:6.

TRAGIC events can change our life overnight. For example, a faithful brother named Luis was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. The doctor told him that he had only a few months to live. Monika and her husband were busy in the spiritual activities. Then one day, Monika learned that he husband an elder, had been living a double life for years. Olivia, a single sister was forced to evacuate her home because a devastating hurricane was approaching. When she returned, she found that the storm had destroyed her house. In one brief moment, the lives of these individuals changed drastically. Can you relate to what they experienced? Have you faced an event that suddenly turned your world upside down?

As faithful servants of Jehovah, we face difficulties and infirmities that are common to all mankind. We also have to endure opposition or persecution from those who hate God's people. Though Jehovah does not shield us from such hardships, he does promise to help us. (Isaiah 41:10) With his assistance, we can maintain our joy, make good decisions, and stay loyal to him even through the most difficult situations. In this article, we will examine four ways that Jehovah helps us during dark time in our life. We will also consider what we need to do to benefit from the help he provides.

Next time: Jehovah Will Help You During Difficult Times - Jehovah Will Guard You - Continue

From the jw.org publications


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