
"For How Long Will You Be in Mourning for Saul?"

 Samuel was right to see good in Saul, this was a remarkable man. Tall and impressive in appearance, he was courageous ad resourceful yet initially modest and unassuming. (1 Samuel 10:22, 23, 27) In addition to such gifts, he had a precious one-free will, the ability to choose his life course and make his own decisions. (Deuteronomy 30:19) Did he use that gift well? 

Sadly, when a man basks in the warm glow of newly acquired power, modesty is often the first quality to melt away Before long, Saul began to turn arrogant. He chose to disobey Jehovah's orders that Samuel transmitted to him. Once Saul grew impatient and offered up a sacrifice that Samuel intended to offer. Samuel had to give him strong correction and foretold that the kingship would not remain in Saul's family. Instead of being chastened by the discipline, Saul went on to commit worse acts of disobedience. - 1 SAMUEL 13:8, 9, 13, 14.

Next time: "For How Long Will You Be in Mourning for Saul?" - Continue

From the jw.org publications 

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