
"There Is No Rock Like Our God" -Conclusion

Hannah then uttered a prayer that God deemed worthy of inclusion of his inspired Word. As you read her words, recorded at 1 Samuel 2:1-10, you will find the depth of her faith conveyed in every lone. She praised Jehovah for his marvelous use of power-his unmatched ability to humble the haughty, to bless the oppressed, and to end life or even safe it from death. She praised her Father for his unique holiness, his justice, and his faithfulness.  With good reason, Hannah could say: "There is no rock like our God." Jehovah is completely reliable and unchanging a refuge for all he oppressed and downtrodden who turn to him for help.

Little Samuel was certainly privileged to have a mother who was so filled with faith in Jehovah. Though he surely missed her has, he grew up, he never felt forgotten. Year after year, Hannah would come back to Shiloh, bringing a sleeveless coat for his service at the tabernacle. Every stitch bore evidence of her love and her care for her son. (Read 1 Samuel 2:19.) We can just picture her putting the new coat on the boy, smoothing it out, and looking fondly at him while speaking kind, encouraging words. Samuel was blessed to have such a mother and he grew up to be a blessing to his parents and all of Israel. 

As for Hannah, she was not forgotten either. Jehovah blessed her with fertility, and she bore Elkanah five more children.  (1 Samuel 2:21) Perhaps Hannah's greatest blessing was the bond between her and her Father, Jehovah, which grew ever stronger through the years. May the same happen to you, as you imitate the faith of Hannah. 

Next time: He "Continued Growing Up With Jehovah"

From the jw.org publications

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