
He "Effected Righteousness"

 The Bible record turns away from Samuel at this point and follows the sacred Ark, showing us how the Philistines suffered for taking it and were forced to return it. When we again come upon Samuel, some 20 years have passed. (1 Samuel 7:2) How was he occupied during those years? We need not guess. 

We learn that before this period began, "the word of Samuel continued to come to all Israel."(1 Samuel 4:1) The record reveals that after the period was over, Samuel made a custom of visiting three cities in Israel, making a circuit each year, handling disputes and resolving questions. Then he would return to his hometown of Ramah. (1 Samuel 7:15-17) Clearly, Samuel always kept busy, and during that 20-year interval, he had much to do

Next time: He "Effected Righteousness" - Continue

From the jw.org publications


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