

 If we do not receive what we ask for in prayer we might ask ourselves three questions. The first is, 'Am I praying for the right thing?' Often, we think we know what is best for us. But the things we may ask for may not benefit us in the long run. If we are praying about a problem, there may be a better solution to the problem than the one we are asking for. And some things we may ask for may not be in harmony with Jehovah's will. (1 John 5:14) For instance, consider the example of the parents mentioned earlier. They asked Jehovah to keep their child in the truth. That seems like an appropriate request. Yet, Jehovah will force any of us to serve him. He wants all of us, including our children, to choose to worship him. (Deuteronomy 10:12, 13; 30:19, 20) So the parents could instead ask Jehovah to help them reach their child's heart so that he will be moved to love Jehovah and to become his friend. - PROVERBS 22:6; EPHESIANS 6:4.

Next time: Do My Requests Show Respect for Jehovah? 

From the jw.org publications

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