
iMITATE THEIR FAITH/JOB - Jehovah Healed His Pain

 At last, the all group of men fell silent. Perhaps the only sound left was the whisper of a warm wind from the Arabian desert. Job had run out of words, exhausted after a  long debate. Picture him glaring at his three acquaintances, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar-almost daring  them to continue. But they could only they could only look down or away, frustrated that their clever arguments, their "blustery" words, and their hurtful insulations had failed. (Job 16:3, footnote) If anything,Job wasore determined than ever too defend his integrity.

Job may have felt that his integrity was all he had left. He had lost his wealth, all ten of his children, t. (Jobhe support and respect of his friends and neighbors, and finally his own health. His skin was blackened with disease, encrusted with scans, crawling with maggots. Even his breath was foul. (Job 7:5; 19:17; 30:30) Yet the attacks of those three men had stirred up in Job a fierce indignation. He was bent on proving that he was not the corrupt sinner they said he was. Job's final speech had just silenced them. Their torrent of cruel words had finally run dry. However, Job's pain remained. He still needed help desperately!

Job's thinking, understandably, was out of balance. He needed guidanc and correction. He also needed consolation and comfort. The very things that his three acquaintances should have provided but did not. Have you ever felt in dire need of guidance and comfort? Have you ever been let down by people you thought were your friends? Learning how Jehovah  God helped his servant Job and how Job responded may fill you with hope and give you practical help.

Next time: A Wise and Kind Counselor 

From the jw.org publications

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