
"How Long Will You Be Mourning for Saul?" - Continue

 Through Samuel, Jehovah told Saul to wage war against the Amalekites. Jehovah's instructions included an order to execute their wicked king, Agag. However, Saul spared Agag as well as the best of the spoil, which was to be destroyed.  When Samuel came to correct him, Saul revealed how much he had changed. Instead of modestly accepting correction, he rationalized, excused himself, justified his actions, sidestepped the issue, and tried to shift the blame on the people. When Saul tried to deflect the disciple by claiming that some of the spoil was intended for a sacrifice to Jehovah, Samuel uttered the words: "Look! To obey is better than a sacrifice." Courageously, Samuel rebuked the man and revealed Jehovah's decision: The Kingship would be ripped away from Saul and to another-a better man. - 1 SAMUEL 15:1-33. 

Samuel was deeply upset over Saul's failings. The spent the night crying to Jehovah about the matter. He even into mourning for the man. Samuel had seen so much potential in Saul, so much good, and now such hopes were shattered. The man he once knew had changed-he had lost his best qualities and turned against Jehovah. Samuel refused to see Saul ever again. In time, though, Jehovah offered Samuel this gentle reproof" "For how long will you be in mourning for Saul, while I, on the other hand, have rejected him from ruling as king over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and go. I shall send you to Jesse the Bethlehemite, because I have provided among his sobs a king for myself." - 1 SAMUEL15:34, 35; 16:1. 

Next time: "How Long Will You Be in Mourning for Saul?" -Conclusion

From the jw.org publications

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