
"Do Appoint for Us a King" - Conclusion

 How, though, did Samuel obey? In a resentful, perfunctory way? Did he allow disappointment to poison his heart letting bitterness take root? Many a man might respond that way in such a situation, but not Samuel. He anointed Saul and acknowledged that the man was Jehovah's own choice. He kissed Saul, a sign of welcome and submission to the new king. And he said to the people: "Have you seen the one whom Jehovah has chosen, that there is not like him among all the people?" - 1 SAMUEL 10:1, 24.

Samuel focused, not on faults, but on the good in the man whom Jehovah had chosen. As for himself, he focused on his own record of integrity to God rather than the approval of fickly people. (1 Samuel 12:1-4) He also worked faithfully at his own assignment, counseling God's people about the spiritual dangers they faced and encouraging them to stay faithful to Jehovah. His counsel reached their hearts, and the people begged Samuel to pray in their behalf. He gave them this beautiful reply: "It is unthinkable, on my part, so sin against Jehovah by ceasing to pray in your behalf; and I must instruct you in the good and right way." - 1 SAMUEL 12:21-24.

Have you ever felt disappointed when someone else was chosen for a certain position or privilege? Samuel's example is a powerful reminder that we must never let jealousy or bitterness take root in our heart. (Read Proverbs 14:30) God has plenty of rewarding, fulfilling work for each one of his faithful servants.

Next time: "For How Long Will You Be Mourning for Saul?" 

From the jw.org publications

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