
Jehovah Will Guard You -Conclusion

 The same passage states that the peace of God "will guard," or "protect "your hearts and "your hearts and your mental powers." The original word for "guard" was a military expression and was used to refer soldiers who guarded a city and kept it safe from attack. The inhabitants of a guarded city slept in peace, knowing that troops were posted at the gates.  Similarly, when the peace of God guards our hearts and minds, we feel calm, knowing that we are safe. (Psalm 4:8) As in the case of Hannah, even if our situation does not change immediately, we can still feel a measure of peace. (1 Samuel 1:16-18) And when we feel calm, we often find it easier to think clearly and make wise decisions.

What we need to do. When you are troubled summon the guard, so to speak. How? Pray until you feel the peace of God. (Luke 11:9; 1 Thessalonians 5:17) Luis, mentioned earlier, explained how he and his wife, Ana, were able to cope when they learned he only had a few months to live. He said: "In a moment like this, it is extremely difficult to make decisions about health care and other matters. But prayer is indispensable in bringing us peace during this process." Luis and his wife said that they prayed extensively and repeatedly, asking Jehovah to give them peace of mind, a calm heart, and the wisdom to make good decisions. And they felt his help. If you are facing a crisis, persevere in prayer, and you will experience Jehovah's peace as it guards your heart and mind. -ROMANS 12:12. 


From the jw.org publications

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