

 Do you share Job's view of integrity l? It is an easy word to use, but saw that integrity is much more than a matter of word. We show our complete, wholehearted devotion toGod by obeying him and doing what is right in his eyes in our everyday life-even when facing hardship. If we live in that way, we will surely make Jehovah happy and frustrate his enemy, Satan, just as Job did so long ago. There is no better way to IMITATE the faith of Job!

Still, Job's story was far from over.  He was out of balance, so caught up defending his own righteousness that he forgot about standing up for God. He needed correction and spiritual help. And he was still suffering from profound pain and grief, in dire need of genuine comfort. What woul Jehovah do for this man of faith and integrity? Another article in this series will  answer those questions. 

Next time: IMITATE THEIR FAITH/JOB - Jehovah Healed His Pain 

From the jw.org publications

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