
He "Continued Growing Up With Jehovah"

 Samuel looked into the faces of his people. The nation had gathered at the two of Gilgal, summoned by this faithful man who had served as a prophet and judge for decades. It was May or June by modern reckoning; the dry season was well along. The fields in the region were golden with wheat ready for harvest. Silence fell over the crowd. How could Samuel reach their hearts?

The people did not understand how serious the situation was. They had insisted on having a human king to rule over them. They did not grasp that they had shown gross disrespect to their God, Jehovah and to their prophet. They were, in effect, rejecting Jehovah as their King! How could Samuel move them to repentance? 

Next time: He "Continued Growing Up With Jehovah"

From the jw.org publications

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