
Jehovah Will Help You During Difficult Times -Jehovah Will Guard You -Continue

 The challenge. When we experience a tragic event, we may find it difficult to think clearly and make decisions. Why? Our heart may be in extreme pain. Our mind may feel weighed down by anxiety. We could feel as if we were wandering through a fog, uncertain which direction to take. Note how the two sisters mentioned earlier felt during their trials. Olivia says: "After the hurricane demolished my home, I felt lost and completely overwhelmed." Monika says regarding her husband's betrayal: "I felt more than disappointed. I felt pain that truly crushed me." How does Jehovah promise to help us when we feel overwhelmed?

What Jehovah does. He promises to give us what the Bible calls "the peace of God." (Read Philippians 4:6, 7.) This peace refers to the calmness and tranquility of mind and heart that result from our precious relationship with him. This peace "surpasses all understanding"; It is more wonderful than we can imagine. Have you ever felt surprisingly calm after praying fervently to Jehovah? That feeling is "the peace of God." 

Next time: Jehovah Will Guard You -Conclusion

From the jw.org publications

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