

When you develop spiritual qualities and valuable skills, you will be better equipped for future roles. Consider few examples of what you could do.

You could remain single for a time. In harmony with Jesus' words, some women choose not to marry, even if singleness is discouraged in their culture. (Matthew 19:10-12) Others may remain single because of circumstances. Be assured that Jehovah and Jesus do not look down on single Christians. Around the world, single sisters are a positive influence on the congregation. Their love for and sincere interest in others motivate these Christian women to become spiritual mothers to many. - Read MARK 10:29, 30; 1 TIMOTHY 5:2. 

You could become a full-time servant. Christian women have a tremendous impact on the worldwide preaching work.  (Psalm 68:11) Can you plan now to enter the full-time ministry? You might serve as a pioneer, a construction volunteer, or a Bethelite. Pray about your goal. Talk to others who have reached such a goal and find out what you need to do to qualify. Then make a realistic plan. Reaching your goal will open up many exciting opportunities for you in Jehovah's service.

Next time: PREPARE FOR FUTURE ROLES - Continue 

From the jw.org publications


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