
"Speak, for Your Servant Is Listening" - Conclusion

 That night in Shiloh was milestone in Samuel's life, for then, he began to know Jehovah in a special sense, becoming God's own prophet and spokesman. At first, the boy was afraid to deliver Jehovah's message to Eli, for it was a final pronouncement that the prophecy against that family was soon to come true. But Samuel mustered the courage- and Eli humbly acquiesced to the divine judgment. Before long, everything Jehovah had said was fulfilled: Israel went to war with the Philistines, Hophni and Phinehas were both killed on the same day, and Eli himself died on learning that Jehovah's sacred Ark had been captured. - 1 Samuel 3:10-18; 4:1-18.

However, Samuel's reputation as a faithful prophet only grew. "Jehovah himself proved to be with him," the account says, adding that Jehovah let none of Samuel's prophecies fail. -Read 1 SAMUEL 3:19.

Next time: "Samuel Called on Jehovah"

From the jw.org publications

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