

 A Christian woman needs to develop practical skills. Some skills that girl learns in childhood will continue to benefit her throughout her life. Consider a few examples.

Learn to read and write well. In some cultures, reading and writing are not considered to be important skills for women to learn. However, they are essential skills for every Christian. (1 Timothy 4:13) So do not allow any obstacle to stop you from learning to read and write well. How will you be rewarded? Such skills may help you to find a job. You will become a better student and teacher of God's Word. Best of all, you will draw closer to Jehovah as you read his Word and meditate on it. - JOSHUA 1:8; 1 TIMOTHY 4:15. 

Develop good communication skills. Christians need to communicate effectively. In this regard, the disciple James provides practical counsel for us, saying: "Everyone must be quick to listen, slow to speak." (James 1:19) When you listen carefully as others speak, you show empathy, or "fellow feeling," for them. (1 Peter 3:8) If you are not sure that you understand what a person is saying or how he feels, ask appropriate questions. Then take a moment to think before you speak.   (Proverbs 15:28, ftn) Ask yourself: 'Is what I am about to say true and upbuilding? Is it tactful and kind?' Learn from mature sisters who are good communicators. (Read Proverbs 31:26) Pay attention to the way they speak. The better you learn this skill, the better your relationships with others will be.


From the jw.org publications

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