
What Job Did Not Know

There is reason to believe that sometime after Job died, the faithful man Moses wrote down the story of Job's life.  Under divine inspiration, Moses was able to reveal not only the events on earth that affected Job but also some events that unfolded in heaven. 

At the beginning of the account, we find Job leading a full and happy life. He was prosperous, a man well-known and respected in the land of Uz-possibly in northern Arabia. He shared freely with those in need and championed the cause of the helpless. Job and his wife were blessed with ten children. Above all, Job was a spiritual man. He eagerly sought to please Jehovah, much as his distant relatives Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph had done. Like such patriarchs, Job acted as a priest for his family, regularly offering up sacrifices in behalf of his children. - JOB 1:1-5; 31:16-22.

Next time: What Job Did Not Know - Continue

From the jw.org publications

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