
"Why Does Your Heart Feel Bad?" -Conclusion

To his credit, Elkanah discerned that Hannah's distress had to do with her barrenness. And Hannah surely treasured his kind assurances of love. But Elkanah did not mention Peninnah's malice' nor does the Bible record suggest that Hannah told him of it. Perhaps she saw that exposing Peninnah would only make her own situations worse. Would Elkanah really change things? Might Peninnah's contempt for Hannah only deepen,  and would not the children and the servants of that spiteful woman follow suit.? Hannah would only feel more and more like an outcast in her own household.

Whether Elkanah knew the full scope of Peninnah's petty meanness or not, Jehovah God saw it all. His Word reveals the whole picture, and thus providing a solemn warning to any who indulge in seemingly minor jealous and hateful acts. On the other hand, the innocent and the peaceable, like Hannah, can find comfort in knowing that God of justice sets all matters right in his own way.  (Read Deuteronomy 32:4) Perhaps Hannah knew as much, for it was to Jehovah that she turned to for help.

Next time: "Self-Concerned No More"

From the jw.org publications

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