
Teaching About Humility and Love

 What was the point of all this? Job urgently needed a dose of humility.  By complaining of what he thought was mistreatment at Jehovah's hand, Job was only increasing his own pain, distancing himself from his loving Fater. So Jehovah asked again and again where Job was when such marvels came into existence and whether Job could feed, control, or tame the creatures he had made. If Job could not master even the basic elements of Jehovah's creation, how could he presume to judge the Creator?  Were not Jehovah's ways and thoughts far beyond the scope of Job's limited view?

In all that Jehovah said, there was also a strong uncurrent of love. It is as though Jehovah were reasoning with Job: "My son, If I can create and care for all these things, do you really think that I would fail for you? Would I really abandon you, rob you of your children, your security, your health? Am I not the only One who restore your losses and heal your terrible pain?' 

Job spoke only twice in answer to Jehovah's probing questions. He did not argue, justify himself, or make excuses. He humbly acknowledged how little he really knew, and he repented of his rash words.  (Job 40:4, 5; 42:1-6) Here we see Job's faith in the finest light. After all that he endured, he remained a man of great faith. He accepted Jehovah's correction and took it to heart We must be moved to ask ourselves a probing question, 'Am I humble enough to accept correction and counsel?' We all need such help. When we accept it, we are imitating the faith of Job.

Next time: "You Have Not Spoken the Truth About Me"

From the jw.org publications

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