

Jehovah often supports us by motivating others to help us. For example, once when David felt weak, his friend Jonathan visited him to provide emotional support and words of encouragement. (1 Samuel 23:16, 17) Similarly, Jehovah chose Elisha to provide practical help to Elijah. (1 Kings 19:16, 21; 2 Kings 2:2) Today, Jehovah may use family, friends, or the elders to support us. However, when we are hurt, we may be inclined to withdraw. We just want to be left alone. That is a normal reaction. What can we do to receive Jehovah's support?

What we need to do. Fight the urge to isolate yourself. When we isolate ourselves, our focus often narrows, and we begin to think only about ourselves and the problems we are  going through. This type of thinking can affect the decisions we make. (Proverbs 18:1) Of course, we all need moments to be alone, especially when confronted with tragic situations. However, if were to isolate ourselves for an extended period, we could push away the very means that Jehovah is using to support us. So hard as it may be during a difficult time, welcome the help of your family, friends, and elders. View them for what they are- Jehovah's means of supporting you. - PROVERBS 17:17; ISAIAH 32:1, 2.


From the jw.org publications

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