
Questions From Readers -Continue

 What does the Bible reveal about Jehovah's ability to foretell the future?

So one reason why Jehovah can foretell the future is that he has the power to make things happen. He does not need to fast-forward, so to speak, to see what the future will bring - as if all future events have already happened in some form and Jehovah merely reviews them in advance. Rather, Jehovah can decide that something will happen at a specific time and then cause it to happen when that time arrives. - EXODUS 9:5, 6; MATTHEW24:36; Acts 17:31. 

For this reason, the Bible uses such terms as "prepared," "formed," and "purposed" to describe what Jehovah does concerning some future events. (2 Kings 19:25; ftn: Isaiah 46:11) These terms are translated from an original-language word that is related to a word meaning "potter." (Jeremiah 18:4) Just as a skillful potter can shape a lump of clay into a beautiful vase, Jehovah can shape, or maneuver, things to accomplish his will. - EPHESIANS 1:11. 

Jehovah respects the gift of free will. He does not set a destiny for each person; nor does he cause honesthearted people to do something that would lead to their destruction. He allows all to choose their own course, and he urges them to choose the right one.

Next time: Questions From Readers-Conclusion

From the jw.org publications

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