
Do My Requests Show Respect for Jehovah? - Continue

 A second question would be, 'Is it Jehovah's time to grant my request?' May we feel that we need an immediate answer to our prayers. Really, though, Jehovah knows the best time to help. (Read Hebrews 4:16.) When we do not receive what we ask for right away, we may think that Jehovah's answer is 'No.' But his answer cold in effect be 'Not Yet.' For example, think back to the young brother who prayed to be cured of his illness.  If Jehovah had miraculously cured him, Satan cold have argued that the brother continued serving Jehovah only because he had been healed. (Job 1:9-11; 2:4) Additionally, Jehovah has already set the time to cure all sicknesses. (Isaiah 33:24; Revelation 21:3, 4) And until then, we cannot expect miraculous cures. So, the brother could ask Jehovah to give him the strength and the peace of mind to endure his illness and to continue serving God faithfully. - PSALM 29:11.

Recall the experience of Janice, who prayed about serving in Bethel.  Five years passed before she understood how Jehovah had answered her prayer. She says: "Jehovah used that time to teach me and to refine me. My trust in him needed to grow. My personal study habits needed to improve. And I needed to find inner joy, which is not dependent on my circumstances." Later, Janice and her husband were invited to serve in the circuit work. Looking back, Janice says: "Jehovah did answer my prayers, though not in the way I expected. It took me awhile to see the beauty of his answer, but I am so grateful to have experienced his love and kindness."

Next time: Do My Requests Show Respect for Jehovah? - Conclusion

From the jw.org publications

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