

 Learn to manage a home. In many places, women carry much of the load of running a household. Your mother or another capable sister may be able to help you learn the needed  skills. A sister named Cindy says: "One of the most valuable gifts my mom gave me was teaching me the joy that comes from hard work. Learning such skills, as cooking, cleaning, sewing, and shopping made my life easier and opened the way for me to do more in Jehovah's service. Mom also taught me how to be hospitable, and this allowed me to meet wonderful brothers and sisters whose examples I could imitate." (Proverbs 31:15, 21, 22) A diligent hospitable woman who has learned to manage a home is a powerful force for good in her family and in the congregation. -PROVERBS 31:13, 17, 27; Acts 16:15.

Learn to be self-sufficient. Being self-sufficient is an important goal for all mature Christians. (Philippians 4:11) A sister named Crystal says: "My parents were involved i choosing which courses I would take in high school so that I would learn practical schools. My Father urged me to take accounting classes, which proved to be invaluable." In addition to learning skills needed to obtain secular work, try to learn how to make a budget and stick to it. (Proverbs 31:16, 18) Keep your focus on spiritual goals by avoiding unnecessary debt and by being content with a simpler lifestyle. - 1 TIMOTHY 6:8. 


From the jw.org publications

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