
Jehovah Will Stabilize You

 The challenge. When we go through a difficult trial, our feelings, thoughts, and reactions may not be as balanced as they normally are. We could feel as if we were being tossed from one strong emotion to the next. Ana, mentioned earlier, stated that she went through a wide range of emotions after Luis' death.  "When feelings of emptiness set in, I would start feeling sorry for myself. I would also get angry that he was gone." Furthermore, Ana felt lonely and was frustrated at having to make decisions on matters that Luis had cared for so well. At times she felt that she was in a storm at sea. How does Jehovah help us when such emotions begin flooding over us?

What Jehovah does.  He assures us that he will stabilize us. (Read Isaiah 33:6) When a ship encounters a storm, it may begin to rock dangerously from side to side. To counteract this movement, many ships have stabilizers that extend from each side of the ship under the water. These stabilizers can significantly reduce the strong rocking of the ship, making the situation safer and more bearable for passengers. However, many stabilization systems work best when the ship is moving forward. Similarly, Jehovah will stabilize us as we move forward faithfully in times of trial.

What we need to do. When you are in the midst of an emotional storm, do your best to keep up with your spiritual routine. Granted, you may not be able to do as much as you could before, but remember that Jehovah is reasonable. (Compare Luke 21:1-4.) As part of  your spiritual routine, set aside time for personal study and meditation. Why? Through his organization, Jehovah has provided outstanding Scriptural information that can help us maintain our balance. To find what you need, you can use research tools available in your language, such as the JW Library app, Watch Tower Publications index, and Research Guide for Jehovah's Witnesses. Monika, mentioned earlier stated that she turned to the research tool for advice when she felt and emotional storm coming. For example, she searched the word "anger." At other times, she searched "betrayal" or "loyalty." Then she would read until she felt better. She said: "What started as frantic keystrokes turned into a hug from Jehovah. As I read, I came to realize that Jehovah understood all my different feelings, and he was helping me." Such assistance from Jehovah can also help you to maintain your balance until you reach calmer waters. - PSALM 119:143, 144.


From the jw.org publications


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