
"For How Long Will You Be Mourning for Saul?" - Conclusion

 Jehovah's purpose does not depend on the wavering loyalties of imperfect humans. If one man turns unfaithful, Jehovah will find another to carry out His will. So aged Samuel let go of his grief over Sauil. At Jehovah's direction, Samuel went to the home of Jesse in Bethlehem where he met a number of Jesse's impressive-looking sons. Yet, from the first, Jehovah reminded Samuel to look beyond mere physical attributes. (Read 1 Samuel 16:17.) Finally, Samuel met the youngest son, and here was Jehovah's choice-David!

In his final years, Samuel got to see more clearly the rightness of Jehovah's decision to replace Saul with David. Saul descended into murderous jealously, and apostasy. David, however, showed beautiful qualities-courage, integrity, faith, and loyalty. As Samuel's life drew to a close, his faith grew ever stronger. He saw that no disappointment is too great for Jehovah to heal, to resolve, or even to turn into a blessing.  Finally, Samuel died, leaving behind the record of a remarkable life that spanned the better part of a century. All of Israel mourned the loss of that faithful man-and no wonder! To this day, servants of Jehovah do well to ask, 'Will I imitate the faith of Samuel?' 

Next time: Outdated or Ahead of Its Time? / SCIENCE

From the jw.org publications

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