
He "Effected Righteousness" - Continue

 The immortality and corruption of Eli's sons had eroded the people's faith. Many, it seems turned to idolatry as a result. After two decades of hard work, though, Samuel delivered this message to the people: "If it is with all your heart you are returning to Jehovah, pit away the foreign gods from your midst and also the Ashtoreth images, and direct your heart unswervingly to Jehovah and serve him alone, and he will deliver you from the hand of the Philistines." - SAMUEL 7:3.

"The hand of the Philistines" had grown heavy to the people. With Israel's army effectively smashed, the Philistines felt that they could oppress God's people with impunity. But Samuel assured the people that things would change if only they returned to Jehovah. Were they willing? To Samuel's delight, they put away their idols and began "serving Jehovah alone." Samuel convened assembly in Mizpah, a town in the mountainous country north of Jerusalem. The people gathered, fasted, and repented for their many sins of idolatry. - Read 1 SAMUEL 7:4-6.

Next time: He "Effected Righteousness" -Continue

From the jw.org publications

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