
"Ministering Before Jehovah as a Boy" -Continue

 Furthermore, Hannah and Elkanah never forgot their beloved firstborn, whose very birth as answer to a prayer.  Hannah had asked God for a son, promising to dedicate the boy to God in a life of sacred service. When visiting each year, Hannah brought Samuel a new sleeveless coat she had made for his tabernacle service. The little boy surely cherished those visits. He no doubt thrived on his parents' loving encouragement and guidance as they taught him what a privilege it was to serve Jehovah in that unique place.

Parents today can learn a lot from Hannah and Elkanah. It is common for parents to focus all their childbearing efforts on material concerns while ignoring spiritual needs. But Samuel's parents put spiritual needs first, and that a great bearing on the kind of man their son grew up to be. -  Read PROVERBS 22:6.

Next time: "Ministering Before Jehovah as a Boy" - Conclusion

From the jw.org publications 

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